Legends about witches and sorcerers are an integral part of the Peruvian culture. Here, instead of going to a doctor, people often go to a white witch because they trust such specialists more. People believe in their extraordinary power, connection with nature and their ancestors.
Suppose the guests of the city want to immerse in the queer world of witchcraft and learn more about this part of the history of the city of Ica. In that case, they travel to a small witch village named Cachiche, which, for several centuries, is considered to be an unusual place.
Many centuries ago, during the Inquisition, several beautiful women of Ica were accused of witchcraft. The witches were to be executed in public, but they managed to escape. As they couldn’t stay in Ica, they started looking for a new place to live. Trying to get away from people, the women established a small village in the forest and named it Cachiche.
Firstly, their life was peaceful and calm. But gradually, people from the nearby villages learned about the witches and started coming to them to ask to cure the sick, help collect a good harvest, bring kids to childless families. Their magic rituals worked, and fame grew. But it was the word-of-mouth strategy so that the church wouldn’t know that people went not only to churches but to witches for help, as they were doing for centuries.
Today, the village of Cachiche is a gravity center for the tourists who want to discover the city’s mysterious history and the locals, who still go to white witches when seeking help with their problems.
They conduct rituals here, and sometimes not only villagers but also guests can take part in them. You can approach one of the witches, and she will cure your illness or will conjure you luck.