The majestic Dresden Castle is one of the oldest architectural monuments in the modern German city of Dresden, where the Saxon prince-electors and kings lived throughout history. The very first mentions of the castle date back to the end of the 13th century. Of course, these ancient walls have only survived as a few ruins. Dresden Castle has undergone many reconstructions and restorations. It acquired its final appearance at the beginning of the 20th century thanks to the Austrian architect Gustav Dunger.
Initially, the inner yard of the citadel was about 1,500 square meters. The ancient castle in the Romanesque style had a small square defensive tower. Later in the 15th century, the castle was reconstructed and enlarged by three floors, the tower was built higher and covered with an almost flat roof. Thus, the citadel became similar to all medieval German castles.
During the reign of Duke George the Bearded, the modest Elbe Gate of the castle was transformed into the majestic St. George Gate, and Dresden Castle became the official residence of the Saxon electors. That's when the era of the Renaissance in the history of the castle began. The boundaries of the castle grounds were significantly expanded, new buildings and a walled yard appeared, the royal regalia and treasure vault was placed on the ground floor. Today, the treasure chambers are occupied by a magnificent museum of precious jewelry called "Green Vault".
The most interesting changes affected the interior of the castle. The gloomy gray walls were replaced by paintings in the popular medieval sgraffito style. The most valuable treasure of Dresden Castle appeared within its walls at the beginning of the 20th century. The famous porcelain panel "Procession of Princes" (Fürstenzug) adorns the wall of the castle's wall of the "Stables Courtyard" (Stallhof) and is considered the largest porcelain panel in the world.
While enjoying the castle's exterior and the spacious halls, don't forget to visit the former Hofkirche court Church (Dresden Cathedral), the largest church in Saxony, located just a few meters from Dresden Castle.