Turkey attracts tourists with sun, beaches, cuisine, wonderful aromas and nature. When the sun heats unbearably, you can always choose to go to the cave of Keloğlan. It is one of the most beautiful and cold caves in Turkey. As long as you get into the cave, you will feel the cold immediately.
The cave of Keloğlan is located not far from the city of Denizli, only an hour away. It was found at the end of the 20th century. For the public, it was opened only in 2003, when there were made a road and paths leading to it. There is a secure staircase which leads you down the cave. Step by step you will be approaching something magical – a different reality. The world full of hundreds of thousands of stalactites and stalagmites, which were formed from water droplets passing through limestone over millions of years. Those huge «frozen forests» in some places reach a height of 6 meters.
When children see all of this, they get absolutely amazed! Stalactites and stalagmites are highlighted with red, blue, yellow and green. The lighting creates a special atmosphere: your imagination gets caught and you start to believe not only in the power of nature but also in magic, spells and magical creatures. You will expect to see an elf or a dwarf... You will have such feelings on the whole 145 meters route. The cave is quite long and spacious. There are not many narrow passages. All the tunnels and halls are spacious and can accommodate big groups of tourists.
As long as the excursion ends, you may take off your shirt and go take sunbaths on the open-air terrace of a café again. They say the breakfasts which are served there are delicious.